Owning quality businesses at fair valuations

Why invest alongside


angel syndicate deals?


We personally participate in 100% of the syndicate deals. We put our money where our mouth is.

Access to deal flow
Syndication with Saprolings allows for access into good deals with high minimum investments
Risk sharing
Diversify your ventures book and reduce exposure into individual failures
Lower fees
We will never do a 2-20 deal. We lower our fees to increase your returns
Save time
Syndication helps angels save time and effort by streamlining deal source, dd, negotiations and paperwork

Accelerate your job search

Coaching takes you further

🚀 Supercharge Your Career!

🌟 Elevate your resume, master interview skills, and uncover effective job search strategies.

We're your sounding board, providing unwavering support and expert advice. Let's shape your success story together! 💼✨

Web2 participation track record

Web3 participation track record

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